viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

Well, this is a difficult topic to talk about. Maybe the word is not difficult but it is ver sad, when I think about this or when I know that there is another news about a murder, mistreatment, abuse or rape against women I feel sadness, I feel fury and impotence. And you can see  this behavior everyday, even when you are in the metro station, when you walk in the streets, when you are embarrassed of your clothes or of your body because you can't stand anymore that men thing they can shout things to you like it was their right. Because our society works like this, we are living in a present that reproduce male chauvinist, that has never let go this culture even when we are in a modern time, when we are living progress like humanity. But that's not truth. And the thing that makes this more sad (like it wasn't enough) is that some people believe that this campaign that is trying to raise awareness is not includying everyone, like it was against iguality. But is not like that, the truth is that you can not pretend to talk about people universally when it doesn't exist iguality in our society. Women and men has never living under the same conditions or opportunitties, and women has always ending damage, so I don't understand why some people can't see that is urgent end with violence against women...

On the other hand, I went to the march this wednesday, it was my birthday too and at my home my family want me to get early but I wanted to go and support this, because I'm tired and we all are tired of living like this, we need a change. The march was very important, there was so many people  and I hope that people can take this seriously not just that day but everyday.

martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

The perfect song

I really can't do this hahahaha is so hard choose one song, I love music so I can't think just in one but I will share the song that in this moments when I think in the topic of this day it brings me like good memories and good sensations too. This song is Charlie Brown of Coldplay, this band is one of my favorite for so many years. Sadly, when they came this year I couldn't go but one of my closer's friend went to the concert and send my audios with this song and two more, it sounds wonderful.

I like this song beacause when I heard it I remember one summer and even is gonna weird, I feel like freedom  haha in my head I see myself travelling for so many places, with beautiful landscapes and nature. Trying new things and all that stuff haha I don't know if it makes sense to you.

There is other songs from Coldplay that I really like, one of that is clocks and I gaves me pretty much the same sensation, is like travel when you are listening haha

Hi!, so I have to talk about my guilty pleasure in music...Is difficult to me just tell you about one group or artist, but I have to say that the first thing that goes to my head when I think about that is that when I was younger I was like a Disney girl, I was fan of all the movies and the one that I believe it was the most important to me is High School Musical, I have all the DVD's, the CD's, posters and my first concert it was when they came to Chile! I went with my father and I was so upset beacause my dad didn't want me to go, but then he surprise me with the tickets and it was great to me ahaah. Also I know all the songs and coreographys, and even today if I see the movie I am very happy watching hahaa

This is my guilty pleasure