viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2016

Hi!, the topic of today's class is talk about tv or not tv. This is something that I had wondered myself too, and when I was younger I watch a lot of tv, I mean not only cartoons and that stuff but a lot of channels where you could watch reality show's, farandula programs, news, game show, humor show, etc. But to me it was exhausting to see that, all I could feel was rejection, because I couldn't believe that all day reporters dedicate their time and profession to talk about others people's life.

In 2011,  I ask to my parents if I could kick off of my room the tv, this, because I didn't use it and it was only take up space from the bedroom and also it was an old old tv hahah. So from that moment I don't have tv in my room. But from others tv of the house I watch series and movies, that I think is my hobby hahaha.

About the influence of TV on people and society I think is very strong, people are used to watch tv, somethings people  watch tv all day, and tv as a media of information gaves them the wrong information about situations that are happen or somethimes tv acts like a media that cause panic and fear, on the news the only thing that people watch are bad things and crimes, a lot of crimes. I think that this is what makes people feel vulnerable, think about the others like criminal with some hate to them and follow a stigma that on the contrary to make society better and more united the only thing that does is make it worst 

I hope people realized that our reality is different of what tv shows us, and that there is always two faces of the coin and we must to get the information from other means, not simply stay with what is given to us,

I hope you have a good day!

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2016

I have to say that I'm very sad about the elections of United States. The truth is that neither Trump nor Clinton are good choices, the people must think, in the moment, in the lesser evil. But now one is the results and people can't change that.

What I think about Trump is that he has the power to make some changes, and this changes is going to affect everyone. I can't support people who talks about immigrants in a racist way, I can't support discrimination, sexism and the violation of human rights, and all these describe the politics that Trump want to impulse. Its sad for me to think that in our times when it supossed that we are so advanced and humanity is not like used to be, exist people (like Trump and all the people that support him) that still want this things.

Resultado de imagen para trump orange is the new black
I think that the impact that this would have in the other countries is goint to be considerable, USA has always be a referent for many countries, or more thant referent, a country that has the power to exploit the others. Maybe many countries has going to follow the lead that this guy want. I hope this is not the scene that we are goint to live.

I really hope that people can see that we can't live in a world with this mind, because we are all different and we have to accept that and try to work together

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016

My future work

Well, this is something that I have ask myself many times. Like I told you before, I'm studying social work and I definitely know that this is what I want and that this is the area where I wanna to be and work. But is hard to choose one thing when you (I mean, me) want to try to change many things, to work in many places to contribute and work with others, but I can't deny that are some areas that I like the most.

In social work, and in society, it is very important how we refer to another person. Most cases dealing with this profession are faced with a person who all his life has been treated through lack, as if something was wrong with her, without question our system, programs or public policies. And I believe that results within the prison system reflect this. But this has to change.

Since I was on school I have been interested in the prison system and the function that has actually, public policies are not enough and the conditions that exist within prisons are very poor and deficit, and this leads to that there is not incentive for the people, to this is added that there are no support programs out of jail and when they leave prison, they are already stigmatized. This is something big in our society, and it is something that I wan't to change, I'm not saying that I, as a future social worker, I'll have the right answers but I have the desire to work to change the structures of society in which we live today, where one of his most direct reflections is the prison system.

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

Well, this is a difficult topic to talk about. Maybe the word is not difficult but it is ver sad, when I think about this or when I know that there is another news about a murder, mistreatment, abuse or rape against women I feel sadness, I feel fury and impotence. And you can see  this behavior everyday, even when you are in the metro station, when you walk in the streets, when you are embarrassed of your clothes or of your body because you can't stand anymore that men thing they can shout things to you like it was their right. Because our society works like this, we are living in a present that reproduce male chauvinist, that has never let go this culture even when we are in a modern time, when we are living progress like humanity. But that's not truth. And the thing that makes this more sad (like it wasn't enough) is that some people believe that this campaign that is trying to raise awareness is not includying everyone, like it was against iguality. But is not like that, the truth is that you can not pretend to talk about people universally when it doesn't exist iguality in our society. Women and men has never living under the same conditions or opportunitties, and women has always ending damage, so I don't understand why some people can't see that is urgent end with violence against women...

On the other hand, I went to the march this wednesday, it was my birthday too and at my home my family want me to get early but I wanted to go and support this, because I'm tired and we all are tired of living like this, we need a change. The march was very important, there was so many people  and I hope that people can take this seriously not just that day but everyday.

martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

The perfect song

I really can't do this hahahaha is so hard choose one song, I love music so I can't think just in one but I will share the song that in this moments when I think in the topic of this day it brings me like good memories and good sensations too. This song is Charlie Brown of Coldplay, this band is one of my favorite for so many years. Sadly, when they came this year I couldn't go but one of my closer's friend went to the concert and send my audios with this song and two more, it sounds wonderful.

I like this song beacause when I heard it I remember one summer and even is gonna weird, I feel like freedom  haha in my head I see myself travelling for so many places, with beautiful landscapes and nature. Trying new things and all that stuff haha I don't know if it makes sense to you.

There is other songs from Coldplay that I really like, one of that is clocks and I gaves me pretty much the same sensation, is like travel when you are listening haha

Hi!, so I have to talk about my guilty pleasure in music...Is difficult to me just tell you about one group or artist, but I have to say that the first thing that goes to my head when I think about that is that when I was younger I was like a Disney girl, I was fan of all the movies and the one that I believe it was the most important to me is High School Musical, I have all the DVD's, the CD's, posters and my first concert it was when they came to Chile! I went with my father and I was so upset beacause my dad didn't want me to go, but then he surprise me with the tickets and it was great to me ahaah. Also I know all the songs and coreographys, and even today if I see the movie I am very happy watching hahaa

This is my guilty pleasure

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2016

My best holidays ever!

I believe that my best memories of holidays are when I was little, because in that times I remember go to the field or to the beach wit all my family, my cousins, uncles, aunt, grandparents, etc. Everybody, and I miss this because now not every holiday we can do this, for reasons of work or because not all my cousins have the time because they are bigger now, I have always think that if we are more people is so much better haha.

On the other hand, sometimes just one company is enough, for example this holidays in summer I went to the south with my mother, only us. It was beautiful, a time of relaxation that we both need it. Also, I have never known the region of Araucanía, I was in love from landscapes, everyday we went to a new place and it was amazing. We learn about nature reserves and traditions of the south. I think that I'm going to always remember this holidays although they were so different from what we use to

here are two pics from "Salto la Leona" and the way from "Salto Palguin"
A country I would like to visit

I have to say that this topic is a little difficult to me, because I want to travel and visit everywhere and although I think I would like to know my country before, the idea of travel to other places, know a new culture, traditions, history, etc. is great! 

So, if I think for one country to visit the thing is gets hard to me, I would love to visit every country of Latino America but that  makes more difficult for me to choose, so I'm going to go for Europa, specifically France, to the capital Paris. I love thinking about the architecture, art, the streets, the eiffel tower, gardens, museums, everytime. I believe that's a place very romantic not only in a loving way, is like in the air haha. Also I really want to learn french, is an idiom that I like so much so if I had the chance to learn right there it would be great.

I don't know how explain clearly :) see you soon my friends !

Hi, I'm back here doing blogs!

Well, to start I'm going to introduce myself because I have a new class... I'm Pamela, I am ninteen years old and soon I would get twenty, I have always live in Santiago from Chile, but I love to travel and I hope to get to know many places and different countries.
I think I'm sociable person and I like to laugh a lot and eat candys. I'm student of second year of social work and what I do is that, study haha, but also I like very much to spend time with my family, we are very close! and I like to go out with my friends too, I miss so much my friends from college so I try to see them everytime I had the chance. I'm enjoy my free time watching movies, and going out to outdoors.

I really like what I'm studying and I wanna to fight against inequality and injustice. I believe that it would be a change with grain of sand from everybody. So thats it in a few words haha see you soon!