viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015

Favorite song

Is very difficult to me have to talk about one favorite song because I like so many songs!! and I feel that I can't define wich I like more than the other, but... I think that one song that  I really like it and I always heard it is "I lived" from One Republic, the reason why I like this song is cause it gave me a message that despite life is hard sometimes and not all that we live gives us moments of happines and enjoy we have to acept and look this as a way of personal growth,  the song tell us that with every experience we have to take the risk  and defend us from what could make us fall.  It tell us that we have to live with intensity and that always giving all we have and all that we are we could know what it is possible to happen.
This song make me feel happy, because in moments when I think that the things are not like I expected at the end of the day everything that we live in our everyday is important and we have to take the best from all the things.
The first time I heard this song I think it was on the radio and then I couldn't get her out of my head and I start to look this song in youtube until I found it :)

here is the link of the song!!

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

So...Today I have a free topic and I would like to talk about something that I should write since a long time ago and now that I'm here again I'm going to do it haha. It's about my pet, my pet is a dog and her name is Princesa, she is a mixture between a coker spaniel and dachshund, so it is very funny!.
Before I got her, I have another dog, her name was Reina, I know is not very original but my favorite movie is "La dama y el vagabundo" so that's where the name came, she came home when I was four years old but she get sick one day in the summer of the year 2012 and die :( . The same year. in winter, my father came home with this puppy that have no home, because someone has leave her in the street, so we decide to keep it with her, she was a mess,very crazy and restless, she broke everything, wood, cement, plants, etc. But besides that, we love her since the first day that she arrived in our house and I think I was need it her madness haha.

Now we move away to another house and she live with my grandparents so I miss her so much, even her barking, something that I thought I would never miss haha. For me pets are really important and think they have feelings and understand things although they can't speak and she is very special to me, she came to gave me company when I need it the most and I think she recognise me like her company too, so that's why I'm a little sad because now I'm away from her, but I hope I can go to visit her and my grandparents very soon :)
here is a pick that I manage to take, because she is never motionless haha

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015


I really didn't know exactly what to talk about today, but I star to think in something that I like and maybe it don't have much sense, but I want to talk about movies. I think that this, with listen music, one of the things that I love the most. I'm always watching movies!! everytime that I have and I don't have to study or go out or something like that, I watch movies. I like very much that moment when you are relaxed in your bed or in your armchair with a great movie and food jaja

Before I only watch horror movies, they were my favourite, but now I watch all kind of movies, movies of action, love, comedy, drama, etc. I think sometimes they show true realities of life, and some of them leave us a message, an inspiration and watch a movie that tell a story that really captivates, it is very special.

Some movies that I think they are really good are "seven pounds", "life is beautiful" and "in pursuit of happiness". These are movies that leave a message, that in some way show us how life is and how these people of different situations face their reality, how they fight to keep going and to get their purposes. To me, are great movies that I recommend!

What to talk about...

The topic that I want to talk in my presentation is basiclly about what make and makes me everyday want to study and be a social worker. So I'm going to talk from my experience about how choose a career is have to more than just that. I choose this topic because I want to share this and I think is very important to see what we are studying not only as a job or a way to make money but like a way of living that make us to do what we do, with passion and dedication. What I'm going to tell to my classmates and our teacher is about the people who guide me to decide what I want, because all star with that.

In that time I was very confused when I thought in my future, in what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, this was because I want to do everything and I was undecided with many options of career and it was not until I go to the "semana del postulante" of the University of Chile that I met the teachers of Social Work. They were giving a talk about the career and I have the oportunity to talk with them, with Maria Antonieta Urquieta and Teresa Matus and in that moment I knew that I want this. I always consider Social Work like an option, in a moment it was my first option but then I started to be very insecure about what I want.

So, I consider that this women somehow give me the impulse to decide and be where I am today  and also what I want to mention in my presentation is one author that one of professor, Maria Antonieta makes us read for our class, this is Wrigth Mills and what she says in our first day of class about this author made me reflect, this was that what we decide for career to study is something that goes beyond that, is a way of life that we have to take me us always, is a lifestyle decision and that we have to take our experiences and bring them to our profession and work, look for the things that are around us and in our everyday. And this I think that is very valuable for any profession, especially in Social Work, this is a reason because I think is interesting this author and I also think that what he raises is important to us

So, This is a little about what I want to talk, but is not all! because we have to keep the mistery jaj

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

My favourite pice of techonology

I think that is hard to me to talk about one favourite pice of technology. Because although I use different pices of techology in my life, I don't think that I'm a technological person, even I still don't know some things about how to use my phone and my friends are always helping me when I want to do something and I don't know how and I use my phone everyday, all day haha.  I can say that my phone is the pice of techonology that I use the most, I use my phone all day since I wake up to when I'm going to sleep. The phone that I got now is practically new, I have it since februay and it was a gift from my mother, because the one that I had before star to work very bad.  I like my phone, because I think that it can work in many different ways, I can read something, I can hear music, that is one of the most things that I like, I can talk to people and call someone when I need it. So is very useful. And I think that if a I didn't have it in my life, could be more difficult to comunicate with the other persons, but I don't think that it would be a big change in my life, because I don't depende of  my phone and I would considere something wrong to care so much about something material, even I think that the techonolgy keep us apart from each other and in some way can be an instrument to narrow bows but in contradiction of this create barriers between people. So is important to know how is life without them to socialize in the real world.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

A special photograph to me

It was very difficult to me to choose one photograph, because there are so many that I really like and in general I like photos, I like the way that the camara can capture a moment and when you see that photograph can remember exactly the moment and the persons and the laughing and all that is involved.

 So, the photograph that I choose it was took it by me, I know that is not the best photo, but in that moment I was in love of the landscape and I have to do it. This it was taken in the year 2013 and I was with my classmates in Bariloche, Argentina in our trip. I like this image cause I love the green and the trees in the landscape, and the lake looks so beautiful to me, in person it was a thousand times better than see the image and I think that I would enjoy have a landscape like that all the days. I like too because it represents me in somehow, because I take this photo when I was in the bus and I always when I travel to somewhere or when I'm in the car I watch through the window and listen to music and I'm distract all the way. Other reason because I like it is because the people who where there with me are the most important persons to me and my friends for life.

 So that's all, I hope you like the picture!,  even when is not the best of the best.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

My favorite place to go to eat

Something that I really like about Santiago is the different places which you can go and this is reflected in all the areas, included places to go out to eat. I think I don´t have a favorite place to go to eat, because I have go out to places where the food is really really delicious, so I can't decide in one of them but I can tell you about this. I like different kind of food like Chinese food, Italian food, Peruvian food and Japanese food, so I normally go to places that serve this. One place  that I like very much but I don't know how it is called is located in the center of Santiago, in Santa Ana. This serve sushi and is very good, is nearly of the college which I came from and I always went there with my friends and we still doing it. What I like of this place besides the great food is the atmosphere that it has, is very quiet to go out and have a nice moment with somebody. Other place that I like is the restaurant "La Piccola Italia", in this place they serve Italian food and it has my favorite food, lasagne. I go to this place in family and what I like about it is the variety of food and dessert, but something that I don't like is that sometimes the attention is very slow. Some other place is of Chinese food that is near of my house, the food is really tasty and that is the most attractive thing that I like of this place because in Macul, where I live, they are too many places of this kind of food and I have go to almost every place, but this one it has from my opinion, the best Chinese food. Other food that I named is Peruvian food, I have only go out to eat to two places that serve this food, but I have to say that they are really good. The first time it was in the mall called Costanera in the restaurant "Tanta", about this place I like that is very fancy and cute and have good food. But the second time it was in Providencia, and this place to me it was better, was so much more comfortable and simple, with a great food. 
After all this talk about the food and the places that I like, I have to say that I try to think in a favorite one but I couldn't I, but... I can say that I really would like to know and taste other kind of food from different culture, one because I like to eat and because to me is really exciting try new things

 I hope that someone took this places and go out to know them and taste they food.! :)

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015


           I've live in Santiago since forever, my grandmother and grandfather of part of my dad and my mon are from the south of the country and there is a lot of green and animals, I like very much go there and spend some time on vacation or something. But, I spend all the time of all the years in my city, Santiago, I like this city because is very alive, we can see different kind of people and so many cultures that are united, also we have all the things that we can think very close, I think that that is what makes this city so attractive, because in the cities of other parts of the country people don't have access to many things and they feel away from opportunities and some experiences. Although  I like Santiago, I have many complains about it, first of all is many contaminated, I think that people care less everyday about watch their actions so they can look after the planet, and with this I think that also people is very selfish and individualist. The life that we live in this city is very fast and stressing and we forget the things really important or to be polite with the others. I believe that we can change this with change our minds and be a little more polite and more worried about the place that we live, because I think the city is not the problem, the people built the city and the society that lives there so they have to care more and make a better place to live.
             To everyone that comes to Santiago, I would say that are many places to go and spend a really great time, because it has many history and many museums and districts very famous to visit like "barrio bellavista", "barrio cívico" and some others. Also have places with typical food that are very nice.

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

My favorite website

I spend a lot of time on the internet, I usually visit pages like google, gmail, facebook and youtube for many reasons, like look for something that I'm interesting about or for some works that I have to do. If I had to talk about the page that I like more, I think that it depends about the purpose that I have when I go to these pages, but today to talk about something that I think is to get involved and to entertain our minds I would say: youtube. I love music and the way that can it can go with us and any moment of the day, this page called youtube afford to us get in when we want and have the access to, and we can see many things, not just heard music but watching movies, a documentary, to follow people who make videos about different things and allow to us be connected with different people around the world, allow to us see what is happening in the world like we were there. I think is a page very interesting and funny. 
I don't know exactly the moment when I start to use youtube, but it was because the most of people that I knew have a account in youtube and they always watch videos and heard music in this page. I visit youtube everyday, sometimes when I'm travel to the university or to my house, when I'm doing a work or homework, in every moment that I can do it. I think that the most of people use it and I invite everyone to visit this page and look for what they are interesting about!.

lunes, 6 de abril de 2015

A little of me


to star, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Pamela Bravo, I have eighteen years old. I´m a person who really enjoy to hear music, I think that music it says so many things that sometimes we don't konw how to say, I love watching movies, is like a hobby, riding a bycicle, read books and share with  my Friends and famliy. Also I'm student of first year of social work in the University of Chile, the motivation to study this career is that I have always like to help other people and the fact to have the chance to bring or provide them the tools so they can develop is very exciment and important to me and I think that is nothing in the world that could make me more happy that help and make a change. I think that if we all contribute with our grain of sand, change is posible.

This is something that can describe who I am, we will meet soon!

Don't forget everyday be grateful and enjoy the Little things of life